Certificate of hand-stitched cotton balls, as the product of homemade arts and crafts.
Certificate of hand-stitched cotton balls, as the product of homemade arts and crafts.
The handmade natural soap, as the product of homemade arts and crafts.
The pads are handmade, as the product of homemade arts and crafts.
The pads are handmade, as the product of homemade arts and crafts.
The pads are handmade, as the product of homemade arts and crafts.
The pads are handmade, as the product of homemade arts and crafts.
Kmetija Hudobnik is located in Breznica by Prevalje, in the direction toward Strojna. It overlooks two Koroška pearls: Peca and Uršlja gora.
Evropski kmetijski sklad za razvoj podeželja: Evropa investira v podeželje
Prejemnik podpore iz Programa razvoja podeželja RS 2014–2020