Home-produced herbal teas

Home-produced herbal teas

Home-produced herbal teas

Herbal teas are a source of vitamins and health natural benefits, a beverage with pleasant aroma and flavor, which have a beneficial effect on your body.

The basis for herbal teas are dried medicinal plants, which grow locally. For instance, linden, mint, balm mint, wild thyme, nettle, and elder. Teas can be prepared from one ingredient or blends of several medicinal plants. They can be prepared as infusion or decoction. They do not contain any artificial additives, preservatives, synthetic fragrances or coloring, and are wholly natural.

Herbs are hand gathered and naturally dried, produced with great care, faith, good will, and respect for Mother Nature, to enable you to find the aroma of your choice.

Has a calming effect and relieves irritating cough.
Beneficial in respiratory diseases.
Has a calming effect on your body and soul.
Tea for a good start of the day.
Tea for a peaceful sleep.
It has an empowering effect on your body.
It helps regulate sugar in your blood.
It helps in kidney and bladder difficulties.
For obtaining the balance in birth organs function.
It helps in an early phase of prostate difficulties.
It eases difficulties of varicose veins. Good for tired, heavy, painful legs.
It helps in digestion, kidney and liver diseases, regulates cholesterol.

Kmetija Hudobnik is located in Breznica by Prevalje, in the direction toward Strojna. It overlooks two Koroška pearls: Peca and Uršlja gora.

  • 031 24 80 75
  • tatjana@obcuteknarave.si

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